Oil painting, general craftsy, music, books, travel, internet, photography, cuisine, environment, anything that hasn't
filled my cup of tea yet.
Working experiences
Administration and Execution for communications related Japanese companies, General Marketing, TV, Radio, Modeling, Movie
direct's assistance, interpreter, even waitressing and nurse's assistance(at a young age) are my working experiences until
Living experiences in Portugal(Almada) and some time spent in US(Florida) setting up a new company for the one I worked
at that time.
What I care for
I have no regrets in life because I never left business undone better make a quick move in life than never move at all.
I care about the ones who surround me and I love, I care for the ones who suffer and hunger from the world poverty.
I abominate racism and any kind of violence toward human rights.
I'm simple as I can be even though still sometimes misunderstood by many.